17 August 2011

Cities as a source of recovery from the Economic Crisis of 2008, Part III (C): Establishing the Environment

An overall environment of change must be established. If one expects this change to come from political leaders from above, then one will wait until infinity for this self-entrenched power-brokers to create an environment of change. At this present time, the atmosphere for change is dreary and pedestrian. This is indicative in the Tea Party Movement in the U.S., the bumbling antics of leaders in the European Union, the lackluster leadership in the China and the stubborn retrenched attitudes of dictators in the Middle East. For change to occur there must be a rejection of the status quo and a view of a promising future. . The Tea Party Movement in the US represents cutting taxes, eliminating benefits, supporting capitalism run by financial institutions, large corporations and the wealthy elite and continuing the constant state of warfare that America has been waging in Iraq and Afghanistan. The diverse leadership in the European Union is confused and fumbling to address monetary problems in its member states, particularly Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. The leadership in China is attempting to maintain state controlled economy and society, but is struggling and realizing that they are in the cab of a runaway train. Likewise, the remaining dictators (including those in Saudi Arabia) in the Middle East instead of leading reform are attempting to maintain their power.

The creation of the environment of change in urbanized areas begins with recognizing the myriad problems in cities, such as crime, education, drug addition, unemployment, struggling housing market, inequitable treatment of minorities, air pollution, unsustainable energy consumption, inefficient disposal of solid waste, traffic congestion, poor public transportation, etc. This could be termed as the emergence of the environment of change. Afterwards, the recognition of the multiple solutions for these problems. Finally, is an up well of the notion that things can be changed, and it can be done despite the obstacles? This forms the basis for networked relational planning for any city. The next part of these blogs will focus on the strategies for change.


Healey, P. (2006) Urban Complexity and Spatial Analysis Strategies: Towards a Relational
Planning for our Times. London: Routledge.

Lewin, R. (1999). Complexity: Life at the Edge of Chaos. Chicago: The University of Chicago

Vassoler-Froelich, I. ( 2007), Urban Brazil: Visions, Afflictions and Governance Lessons.
Cambria Press: Youngstown, New York.

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