The on-line academic journal Urbana: Urban Affairs and Public Policy has a new design and a new server. Go to . The old site will soon refer those visiting to the new site. This has taken almost six months to complete. The Editorial Board thinks the audience of Urbana: Urban Affairs and Public Policy will be pleased in its ease of use. The journal is peer reviewed, and will soon appear in various indexes. For fifteen years, Urbana has sought quality manuscripts demonstrating the diversity of the study of urban areas. This new phase represents another evolution in this unique journal.
Please e-mail to your associates the new link. Manuscripts are accepted at any time during the year and published as soon as they are reviewed and edited in our Online First page. After the volume is closed they will be included in the appropriate volume. Please send manuscripts, inquiries, comments etc. to . Urbana also accepts donations or sponsorships by organizations, companies, foundations or individuals who support the mission of this journal in giving a forum to a unique collection of academic authors who are interested in the multi-dimensional, complex and chaotic nature of cities/urban areas.