09 July 2011

Cities as a source of recovery from the Economic Crisis of 2008, Part II: How can cities initiate an economic recovery?

The present problems in cities are complex (e.g. dynamic, networked, non-linear, chaotic/cathartic, emerging, self-organizing, and emerging.) There is not one solution to these problems, but multiple ones. In the post-modern era the solutions that seem to work are those that are flexible, appropriate to local situations, incremental, experimental, exciting and inclusive. It is excruciatingly clear that federal and supra-national governmental bodies are inept to deal with the current issues in cities related to the continuing recession and others which are continuing and interconnected such as unemployment, underemployment, housing, transportation, energy, environment and economic revitalization. The stakeholders in cities can continue to interact within this dysfunctional vortex and fuel its energy or break out of this vortex, and develop a new one which will take local and global economies in a different direction. The following are some suggested strategies, which will be developed in subsequent blog entries that cities can use to address not only the recession, but other chronic issues which will lead to a new and sustainable future for them and subsequently the entire globe:
1. Facilitate the “Green” Economy
2. Practice creative destruction (i.e., direct democracy, volunteerism, restructuring/dismantling bureaucracies)
3. Encourage the Cultural Economy
4. Invest in education at all levels
5. Create opportunities for affordable housing
6. Assist local entrepreneurs, businesses, industries and investors
7. Invest in Infrastructure
8. Develop cooperative organizations
9. Establish progressive fees, taxes etc.
10. Create a non-rigid, policy oriented, inclusive, unique and just local/regional planning process

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